Arts du monde

Textes d'experts pertinents à tout ce qui est associé à la collection d'œuvres d'art qui n'est pas d'origine occidentale ou asiatique

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Notes relatives au tableau qui suit :

TitreSource d'origine
8 things to know about İznik pottery
Art in a cold climate
Classical Indian Art: A specialist’s insights
Collecting Guide: Classical Indian painting
Collecting Guide: Cuban Modern and Contemporary art
Collecting guide: Orientalist Art
Cuban Modern and Contemporary art
Inside the Archives: Zsolnay Porcelain Prices
Stanley Spencer: A primer
The Basics of Collecting Tribal Art
These Are the Ceramics Artists You Should Invest In
Unmasking Today's Strong Demand for Tribal Art
Collecting Guide: Persian miniature paintings
The insider’s guide to Contemporary African art
Pre-Columbian art — A new collector’s guide
What You Need to Know Before Buying or Selling a Buddhist Statue
How to invest in aboriginal art
UK Ivory Ban
A guide to suzani textiles
‘Anything but one culture, one thing, one place, one time’ — displaying the art of Islam
Collecting guide: Ottoman silk velvet panels
The art of Oceania — a guide for new collectors
The Colorful History of Majolica
What is a Mandala? History, Symbolism, and Uses
Navajo Art: Ancient to Modern Techniques
Expert Talks: Combining Ancient and Modern Art with Peter Reynaers
Collecting guide: Cycladic art
Lifting the lid on sarcophagus relics
A new collector’s guide to İznik pottery
Buddha poses: the meaning of Buddha statues' hands
Contemporary African art: who to buy now
From holy script to Huroufiyah — the sweep of Islamic calligraphy through the centuries
How to Collect African and Oceanic Art: A Guide for New Collectors
How the birth of an independent Sudan inspired the artists of the Khartoum School
Collecting guide: Middle Eastern modern and contemporary artists
Eight Turkish artists to collect right now
‘Rich in colour and narrative intrigue’ — an outstanding collection of Persian miniatures

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