Artistic movements, periods, artists and schools through the ages


There are a considerable number of internet sites with more or less complete list of movements, schools and artistic trends that have punctuated the history of art.

Our goal here is to reduce everything to some sites that we hope will cover what is more interesting and comprehensive on the subject.

Movements / styles / schools/ artists by period

  • WikiArt.  Visual Art Encyclopedia.   Simply unavoidable.
  • Art Periods and Movements List of Art on Wikipedia.   The two articles are the most comprehensive and complete.  Specific links to each movement, school or style refer to items relevant to each development.


An image file with a chronology of major movements in art from 1400 to today in the Western world. Excellent overview.

A simple chronology with links on each identified art movement.

Synthesis sites (make the link between periods, movements/styles/schools and their main representatives (artists/works)

A quite simple table for beginners. Clear and succinct.

Site for educational purposes used by many English language teaching institutions. Focused on the presentation of videos and articles by academics illustrating the theme (movement or artist) selected. Western and American bias.

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