The specialized Google searches consoles


The various specialized search consoles presented here allow you a systematic search of the websites of commercial art sellers (art galleries, virtual galleries, art brokers, etc..) of a specific location (City, Province/State, etc.)

It is important to be aware of the limitations of these tools.

  • Obviously, only art sellers with a website are covered;

  • The information on a given website shall be directly accessible and not "hidden" behind a database;

  • The coverage is not necessarily exhaustive;

  • Each request is limited to 100 results. This limit is imposed by Google, which explains, among other things, the proposed location breakdown;

  • It is very important to use the possibilities of "sorting" for some subjects search results (i.e. Upcoming exhibitions, etc.).

Interest of these tools? These search tools allow you to quickly "go around" websites in a given location (City, Province/State, etc.) in order to identify events (i.e. Exhibitions, Openings, etc.), artists of interest, etc.

Example: the Montreal console retrieves information from the websites of art galleries, virtual galleries and art brokers located in the city of Montreal (Area Code: 514).

Type "Riopelle" in the window below and click "Search"
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